Saturday, August 28, 2010


Asked for and received a sausage stuffer for Christmas 2009 (this one), and it has taken me forever to get around to ordering supplies and actually making the sausage. Order some casings and spices from The Sausage Maker and got busy.

I had made some bratwurst last year from a kit, but the spices were just so-so and since it was just venison it was too dry. This year I had the processor add a little more fat to my ground and I found ground pork in 1-lb packages at Kroger. The ground venison packages are an almost exact 1.5-lbs, so using 2 gives me a nice 3-to-1 ratio of venison to pork.

I bought 4 mixes - jalapeno, italian, bratwurst and breakfast. Today I just made italian and jalapeno (4-lbs each), and added some grated cheddar to the jalapeno. Most of it is in vacuum bags and frozen now, but I've left some out to grill soon.
Jalapeno cheese - pre-linking

Last time I tried this it was a nightmare. Had a grinder that wouldn't work well for this, and ended up resorting to a hand-held stuffer. Also had all kinds of fun getting the casings on the tubes. Two things made this attempt a lot easier. First off, the 5-lb stuffer worked great (although moved around a bit to much, but I know how to fix that next time). The place in the link above is the least expensive I've seen one like this. Second, I order pre-tubed casings. Fits on the tuber really easily and made that part a breeze.

I'm hoping I can pop a feral hog this year, would be great to use as the pork portion of the ground.

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